Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning 

I doubt anyone will argue with me that 2020 has been a difficult year. Seems like the punches keep coming and coming.

For me, the final punch that put me in what author Sarah Knight calls “f—k overload” came on Thursday, October 22, 2020. I received word that a longtime friend was in a serious car accident. He sustained a traumatic brain injury and was in a coma.

In the follwoing days, I found myself just staring into space. Mind empty. Not knowing what to say or do.

Mario and I went to junior high, high school, and college together. We grew up one street away from each other. Over the years, I’ve seen glimpses of his life story unfold on social media. Loving wife, four wonderful children, and successful career as a teacher and school principal.

The prognosis was grim. The doctors said Mario needed complete rest for two weeks.

That time came and went.


Then, some news. His brother-in-law wrote:

“Mario was scheduled for organ donation surgery on Nov. 5 at 1 pm. The previous night, his nurse started to notice changes in him – he started to move his legs and even squeezed the nurse’s hand! The nurse in the morning noticed the same. The trauma doctor was called in and he called in the neurosurgeon. They ran tests and were ‘really liking’ what they ‘were seeing!’ The surgery was halted. Mario is waking up!

The trauma doctor told us that he feels like we got our miracle. Mario has made ‘purposeful’ movements, held his eye open, yawned, reacted to stimuli, and is pretty much able to breathe on his own with little ventilator help. When the time is right, he’ll be moved to a rehab center to continue his recovery. Mario still has a long road ahead but he is a fighter!”


Saying Mario is probably the most persistent person I’ve ever met is an understatement. Get out of his way when he sets his mind on something.

Today, Mario’s persistence is saving his life. He’s an object lesson in what Viktor Frankl called “the defiant power of the human spirit.”

Plus, Mario’s attitude has always demonstrated willingness. Up for whatever, willing to help whenever.

Defiance, persistence, and willingness is a powerful combination. I believe these qualities will carry him through.


Mario’s home on this plane of existence is damaged, badly. And, his healthy core is in there fighting.

If I found myself in his position, I would say that I am suffering.

Mario is “suffering bravely.”  And so is his family.

His life nearly ended. Yet, even in his current condition, Mario is demonstrating how to live life meaningfully.


Regardless of what you position you find yourself in at present, wake up and never give up! Viktor Frankl believed life has meaning until our last breath.

During my prayers, I silently shouted “Mario, wake up!” again and again. I’d like to think he heard me.  One day, I will ask if he did.