As I am writing this post, I have two different social media platforms open and I wonder aloud: “Should I leave social media altogether?”

Answer: Yes. If it’s a stumbling block.


I certainly feel like chucking the whole lot plus lighter fluid and a match in the dumpster from time to time. This year (2020), more than any other, has seen more controversy and vitriol on these platforms since the advent of social media. Cancel culture, negative political campaigning, friends reporting other friends for posting opinions that don’t match up with their own, cries of “fake news”, and more. All that negativity takes up a lot of mental bandwidth if you listen long enough.

I contend that the bad energy has always been there. Social media brings it to us at the speed of light. And amplifies it. However…


For example, I continue to marvel at the fact that I can carry on a conversation with my family in Europe (cousins and aunt in Scotland) as well as my colleagues around the world instantaneously. No more expensive phone calls as barriers to regular communication. And video chat… there was a time in my life when such technology was science fiction straight out of Arthur C. Clark’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now it’s in the palm of our hands.


Especially, when it’s a stumbling block to those who struggle with pornography and other ineffective sexual behaviors. Daron Press, president of Camsoda, an adult entertainment company specializing in cam shows has said: “Twitter loves porn… It’s not as popular as Instagram, but it’s branding and advertising. And it puts the power in performers’ hands… No one thinks twice when they see you on Twitter at work.” An executive with another popular porn site company likens Twitter to “the barkers outside strip clubs in the olden days.” It’s pervasive. Craig Gross, founder of XXXChurch says: “When I was a kid, I had to work really hard to find porn, but today kids have to work really hard to avoid porn.”

Adults, too.


I’m not getting all religious here, however, 2000 or so years ago a man who lived in Roman Palestine is quoted as saying: “If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.” Harsh.

The quote is not meant to advocate for blindness or in support of creating one-eyed people. The upshot is doing something about the parts of your life that aren’t effective.

Twitter loves porn. Facebook is full of conflict.

If you are struggling with pornography, then I say yes, leave social media.

“Even LinkedIn? That’s for business!”

All kinds of business. Some monkey business, too. Including the “world’s oldest profession.” Media investigations in 2016 found that prostitution and escorts services used LinkedIn to connect with customers. One escort service profile in the UK listed “Microsoft Office” as a skill. I don’t think proficiency in Office is a requirement for that job.


Not willing to give up social media altogether? Then I suggest a “digital fast.” Fasting, in the traditional sense, is giving something up to concentrate on something else. Taking a break will help you understand that mankind survived and thrived for hundreds of thousands of years before Mark Zuckerberg was born.

“What am I supposed to concentrate on?”

The something else to concentrate on is meaning. Being creative, having positive experiences, and experiencing a change in outlook. That’s how we find meaning in life. Meaning crowds out the empty vacuum of mindless behavior and self-medication such as with pornography.

So, commit to a reasonable amount of time. Start with a day. Check your accounts. See how you feel. Then stretch the next fast out a bit longer. Build the fasting muscle until it’s not a big deal to take an extended break.

Your right eye will be relieved.